Jose abad santos day holiday declaration

Jose abad santos day pampanga

May 7 is declared as a Special Non-Working Holiday in the Province of Pampanga by virtue of RA and Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos is a Fernandino and Kapampangan hero who .
jose abad santos day holiday declaration

Jose abad santos day holiday declaration

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Wednesday, May 7 is a special non-working day in Pampanga and Angeles City.

Jose abad santos day holiday declaration of independence

May seven of every year is hereby declared as a special nonworking holiday in the Province of Pampanga and the City of Angeles to be known as the Jose Abad Santos Day.

Jose abad santos day holiday declaration form
Jose Abad Santos Day: A special non-working holiday observed on May 7 each year, commemorating the contributions and legacy of Jose Abad Santos, a notable figure in .